about us
This is a website designed by surgeons for surgical trainees.
"A penetrating question is often more intellectually stimulating than a ponderous answer."
Alden H. Harken, M.D.
Elsevier Mosby. 2005
Mr Adrian Fox
Hepatobiliary Surgeon St. Vincents Hospital, Melbourne, AustraliaMr Andrew Sutherland
Colorectal Surgeon, Coffs Harbour, NSW, Australia.editorial panel
Mr Sayed Hassen
Upper GI Surgeon, Box Hill Hospital, Melbourne, AustraliaMr Richard Cade
Upper GI Surgeon, Box Hill Hospital, Melbourne, AustraliaMr Erik Koppert
General Surgeon, The Northern Hospital, Melbourne, AustraliaMr Patrick Moore
General and Bariatric Surgeon, Box Hill Hospital, Melbourne, AustraliaMr Russell Gruen
Trauma Surgeon, The Royal Melbourne Hospital, Melbourne, AustraliaMr Tom Sweeney
General and Upper GI Surgeon, The Northern Hospital, Melbourne, AustraliaMr Trevor McQuillan
General Surgeon, The Northern Hospital, Melbourne, AustraliaMr Steven Fischer
General Surgeon, Warrnambool Base Hospital, Victoria, AustraliaMr Darrin Goodall-Wilson
General Surgeon, Geelong, Victoria, AustraliaMr Boon Hong
General Surgeon, The Northern Hospital, Melbourne, AustraliaDr Sahel Hammouri
General Surgeon, King Hussein Medical Centre, Amman, JordanDr Josh Hargrove
Consultant Anaesthetist, Melbourne, Victoria, AustraliaMr Michael Hii
Upper GI Surgeon, Melbourne, AustraliaMr Madhu Bhamidipaty
Colorectal Fellow, St Vincent's Hospital, Melbourne, Australiacontributors
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Minimum investment is $1,000 per annum. Contact our Webmaster Gordon Murphy for further information.
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Gordon MurphyWebsite Manager
SurgicalExam Pty Ltd
26 Larkspur Avenue
Victoria 3108
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Email: accounts@SurgicalExam.com
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"The safest thing for a patient is to be in the hands of a man engaged in teaching medicine. In order to be a teacher of medicine the doctor must always be a student"