RACS Requirements

The Royal Australasian College of Surgeons sets certain requirements for accreditation of training. These requirements change from time to time and you should refer to the RACS website for the latest information.


Over the course of four years you will work at eight different six month posts. This is designed to expose you to a wide variety of general and sub-specialty surgical practice in tertiary, metropolitan and regional settings.

At a minimum you are required to rotate through four core subspecialty terms consisting of colorectal, upper gastrointestinal and hepatopancreaticobiliary, breast and endocrine, and trauma and vascular surgery.


A minimum experience of 800 cases over the four years is expected. Adequate case mix and primary operator experience is also required for eligibilty for fellowship. The degree of primary operator experience will vary depending on seniority of the trainee and the nature of the rotation involved but the college sets minimum requirements as

First six months: 20%
Second six months: 25%
Third six months: 30%
Fourth six months: 40%
Fifth six months: 50%
Sixth six months: 50%
Seventh six months: 60%
Eighth six months: 60%

You are required to maintain a prospective logbook detailing the nature of surgery undertaken, the level of supervision, and the consultant surgeon involved. It is also useful although not required to track pathology and complications. At the end of each 6 month rotation you are required to submit a logbook summary on a standard form available from the RACS.


Accreditation in endoscopy is overseen by both the RACS and The Conjoint Committee for the Recognition of Training in Gastrointestinal Endoscopy . You are required to register with the Conjoint Committee for both upper gastrointestinal endoscopy and colonoscopy. Prior to accreditation in upper gastrointestinal endocopy being granted you must perform 200 successful supervised endoscopies including 20 therapeutic endoscopies (dilatation, stenting, control of haemorrhage etc). Requirements for colonoscopy stipulate 100 successful supervised colonoscopies in an intact colon and including 30 snare polypectomies. A minimum rate of 85% successful caecal or preferably ileal intubation is expected at the completion of training

There is no longer a minimum endoscopic experience required before presenting for the second part examination.


The RACS is striving to improve the quality of continuous assessment and feedback. This has lead to several changes to the format of such assessment. At present assessment must occur at middle of each term and at the completion of each term. Separate assessment forms are available to download from the College website to be completed by your consultants for the term.

It is the responsibility of the trainee to ensure that the assessment forms are completed and returned to the college within one month of the middle and end of each term. Failure to submit adequate assessment forms may lead to unsatisfactory completion of the term.